Skypark Adventure Park

From rope swings to climbing walls, fantastic adventures among the trees of Mount Aquilone

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In the enchanting scenery of Mount Aquilone, a few km between Rimini and Cesena, you can experience the incredible thrill of walking high above the forest floor, suspended between heaven and earth. 

This is where you will find the Skypark Adventure Park, a 1-km stretch of natural parkland that, from April to October every year, welcomes visitors with a spirit of adventure and who are looking for a serious rush of adrenaline and fun.

High in the treetop canopy, over 140 trails at different heights will ensure visitors of all ages have an unforgettable experience; and what is more, the whole thing is completely eco-friendly thanks to the use of ropes, nets, cables, climbing walls, bridges and walkways. The trails are categorised into different levels of difficulty (easy, medium, difficult, extreme) and they are further divided into activities based on age and height.

Skypark has been specifically designed to be fun for “children of all ages”: activities start for children from 2 years of age with the first level of balancing games, up to the most demanding routes for adults, where concentration and trust are fundamental to get through the course of the suspended aerial walkways.

Everything is done in total safety, visitors are guided and assisted by highly qualified staff, but only after the first stage of instruction and practice. Nothing is left to chance and the entire park demonstrates the philosophy of respect for nature.

The park offers visitors the opportunity to try their hand at other outdoor sports activities: there is archery, abseiling and geocaching, skateboarding on steel cables, a Tarzan jump on a rope swing, many trekking trails through the woods and, for the bravest, the sky jump, a free-fall jump from over 14 metres up.

Entrance to the Skypark Adventure Park is free; you pay for the use of the equipment and to access the aerial courses. 


Last update 21/05/2021

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